What do booking agents do?
Booking agents are in a different field from managers. Booking agents are the people that actually book shows for the artists that they represent. They make all of the arrangements with the people promoting the shows.
Fine details like lighting, sound, meals, hotel accommodations, transportation and even snack foods are all handled by bookers for their artists. For concert buyers, they work to find the right artist that will fit in the need and budget that is available. Many of the major booking agents won’t represent a client unless they are already with a major label and have national distribution of their music.
Fine details like lighting, sound, meals, hotel accommodations, transportation and even snack foods are all handled by bookers for their artists. For concert buyers, they work to find the right artist that will fit in the need and budget that is available. Many of the major booking agents won’t represent a client unless they are already with a major label and have national distribution of their music.
Because of this, most indie artists do their own booking and generally do not have as many riders (extras) that they require.
Fees that booking agents charge different fees for the services that they provide. The cost factor of having a booking agent has to be weighed against what they can do for clients and buyers alike.
Daily/Hourly Rate:
Booking fees are charged by the day or by the hour (minimum 2 hour booking)
Overtime rates apply before 9am, after 6pm on all bookings over eight hours. The overtime rate is one and half times the normal rate between 6pm and midnight. A special is negotiated for night work between midnight and 9am. Work on Saturdays is at one and a half times the normal rate. Work on Sundays and Bank Holidays is double the normal rate.
Will be charged at half the hourly rate; this applies to travel outside a 5mile radius of models base.
Additional fees are payable for the right to use the photographs (or reproductions, or adaptations of, or drawings there from, either complete or in part, alone or in conjunction with any wording or drawings: including electronic imaging) for all known or anticipated purposes other than the initial Permitted Use (e.g. Packs, Posters, Show Cards, Record Covers, Swing Tickets etc.).
In general, the additional fees cover the right to use one image for one year from the date of the booking.
All bookings expect equity contract TV commercials:
The agency charges the client a supplement fee of 20% on all hourly, daily and usage fees.
The agent will invoice both agency fees and models fees
Unless agreed at the time of booking the model disbursement is included at 66.66% and the agent’s fee at 33.33% of the invoice total. Any agreed expenses will be added where appropriate.
Equity contract TV commercials
The fee negotiated by the agent is the artists fee from which the agency commission will be deducted at 20% of the invoice total. Any agreed expenses will be added where appropriate.
On all invoices payment is required within 30 days of invoice in all cases the person booking the model will be invoiced and solely responsible for payment unless otherwise agreed at the time of booking. We reserve the right to invoice the ‘ultimate client’ (ie: designer / manufacture / owner of the product in question. All fees are for the right to use pictures and, once agreed, are payable whether or not the use is appropriated.
Exclusion fees:
A special fee will be negotiated when the work is in conjunction with a product which precludes work for competing products. It is the client’s responsibility to check whether conflicting work has been done if a model advertises a product he/she is able to work for any competitor unless an exclusion fee is negotiated.
Provisional bookings will be automatically cancelled if they are not confirmed within 24 hours of the proposed booking or if a definite booking is offered and the provisional cannot be confirmed.