Dealing With Rejection In The Music Industry

Being a musician, by and large, is a rewarding thing. We get to indulge our muse, spend time with other artistic types, and hear a lot of great sounds. When it comes to jobs, being a musician is great work if you can get it. 

Unfortunately, it’s not all roses. The tremendous amount of competition makes it likely that we will sometimes lose a gig, get fired from a band, or be turned down for a songwriting award. Most of us handle the rejections pretty well most of the time. 

However, problems can start to occur if you have a run of too many rejections in too short a time. Musicians may begin to doubt their talent, commitment, and even sanity when repeatedly slapped with “no’s”. 

Tips to help you through the hard times: 
1.   Believe in your music and yourself. People tell you this all the time, and you need to take it seriously. Many mega-hit songs were repeatedly rejected before someone decided to release them to become #1 hits. Believe that your talent is unique, and continue to pursue your own musical path. 

2.   If you hear the same type of rejection often, (“You need to pick up your choruses” or “Work on your pitch”), you may want to look into the criticism. Having an open mind may help you improve your craft. 

3.   If you get down on music, take some time out. Go to the beach, the mountains, or your backyard, and do something enjoyable that has nothing to do with music. 

4.   Give yourself the freedom to quit. This may sound contradictory, though by giving you a mental “out”, it can help diffuse the pressure when nothing is going right. Chances are you won’t quit, but you will know you have a choice. 

5.   Go jam with some musician friends who do it just for fun, and forget the business. People who strictly do music as a hobby sometimes have a positive energy that will help your jaded, negative energy slip away, and bring you back to the joy of playing music. 

6.   If you are in a situation where you can’t find a band to jam with, and have excess creative energy, consider another type of art or craft. Doing  something creative, even though it’s not music, will keep your creative juices flowing. Painting, carving, candle making - activities like these may also open your creative flow and inspire you musically. 

7.   If the problem is due to a conflict in your band, talk it out honestly with the people involved instead of keeping it to yourself and becoming cynical. Conflicts are common in bands (and every other kind of group), and surviving them means the difference between success and failure, since most bands will break up if the unresolved conflicts are not addressed. It will NOT be a pleasant experience. 

8.   Write a song about it. Who knows, it might be a masterpiece. 

9.   Think back on all your successes and good times in music, and focus on that energy. Try to balance the current bad times by realizing it’s all part of the flow. 

10.  If you can’t kick the down feelings in a few weeks, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor. Artists are known to have high rates of depression and stress-related illnesses, and today there are many new treatments. Make sure you follow a healthy diet and get some exercise. 

Getting through those periods when “music sucks” is an experience all musicians have been through at one time or another. Those that master the down times go on to have productive musical careers. Those that get bogged down in the problems and become bitter are doomed to less happy - and maybe less musical - futures. 

by Suzanne Glass
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